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A member registered Sep 06, 2021

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Thanks for the reply, now it makes it more clear. So the violet zone is a guaranteed point? I have only played in the beginner level but it gets less forgiving in the harder levels right (narrower effective zones)?

One suggestion (if you are interested obviously, no pressure), perhaps in lower difficulties (beginner) the player could receive feedback in shot timing.  For example a Great hit appears somewhere when the attack is at the 90% zone, Good hit at 80%, etc. Maybe not at medium or hard difficulty because it is more challenging but this could be an aid for players to get used to the game.

Firstly, I wanted to say that I've been enjoying playing this game, it may be an alpha build but it has a fun foundation in my opinion.

I have a question. What does every part of the meter mean? Which  would be the best to shoot?

Thanks in advance. Keep up the good work.